Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Courage in the Line of Dancing

Line of fire? Not so much... As part of my weightloss journey I've decided that it's time to start doing things I've always been afraid of doing because of my weight. No more being a wall flower, an observer to life. No, now it's time to put myself in the limelight and shine for all I'm worth and so tonight I auditioned for Oklahoma! I was terrified and I was going to chicken out but my friend Belinda gave me a good pep-talk and she did it with me! The singing part was okay I think... I did get cut off by the director and he did warn us that it might happen but I felt like everyone else got a chance to sing a lot longer than I did. All well. The BIG challenge came with the DANCING! I am NOT a dancer!! Grace and I? Well, we never really met... On the one part that the coreographer said we literally couldn't mess up because there was only one way to go, guess who found another way to go? Yep, this girl. It didn't help that I had a huge headache and my legs were still shaking from singing in front of a whole room of people... I'm gonna practice tonight and go back tomorrow and show them I can dance if given a chance to practice. Maybe. Hehehe...
Also, a few more of today's successes? I hit 202.2 AND I think I've talked two of my friends here into doing a 5K with mt on Saturday!!! Couldn't believe it! The weight of course was AFTER I worked out and AFTER I drank about 20 oz of water but I'll take it! I'm SOOOOOO close to being under 200 pounds I can taste it! (Tastes like tater tots in case anyone is wondering) I felt like Jillian Michaels today as I pushed my friend a little harder in her workout. It's an awesome feeling, helping others. Ladies, (and gentlemen) this is a time for us to shine and let the world know that we ARE worth something and that we DO believe that we can be amazing even if we have a few extra pounds hiding all of our awesomeness! Just remember:


  1. that is so exciting!!! you should TOTALLY go back tomorrow!
    great work, keep it up!!!

  2. Girl, that is awesome!!! You are doing so well! And you sound happy too which is most important :)

  3. Thanks! I FEEL happy which is so awesome. I love this feeling and I love having something to do besides sit at home all day...
